Business as Ministry: Farming to Help Others Worship
Pastor George seems to know everyone in Narangala. He ambles from door to door and yard to yard, meeting with old friends, making new friends, and chatting with everyone along the way.
No one loves this community like he does. Located in a rural area of central Sri Lanka, George has served as a pastor in Narangala for the past 11 years.
Every week, he visits the homes of his congregants, holds prayer and healing services, hosts Sunday school for youth, and meets with pastors in neighboring communities to encourage them in their ministry.
The decision to serve as a pastor in Narangala required a leap of faith. The majority of Narangala’s residents live in poverty, so George’s congregation wouldn’t be able to pay him a salary. In total, the church tithes amount to around just $20 per week.
With a wife and four young children to support, earning little to nothing was a risk—but George trusted that if they followed God’s plan, God would provide.
For many years, that provision came through George’s mother. Though she earned little as a tea plantation worker, she still offered to help George’s family so they could continue doing ministry.
That was, until she came down with paralysis.
Bedridden and unable to work, it was now George’s turn to support her. He wasn’t sure how he would manage to add more work to an already full schedule, but he had to find a way.
Growing up in a rural community gave George a solid understanding of animal husbandry, so he thought he would try his hand at agriculture. He bought a few chickens and opened a small poultry business.
The business provided George and his family with some additional income, but the business’ profit margin was narrow. The profits barely covered the time George spent rearing the chickens.
Looking for other business opportunities, George noticed the high demand for goats in Narangala. Since goats give birth about twice a year, and the selling price of a goat is approximately $130 each, he figured goat rearing would be more profitable than poultry. Plus, through raising goats, he could provide the children in his congregation with nutritious milk!
However, goats cost more than chickens, so George would need a loan to get started. In faith, George approached our partner NCEASL.
“Most of the believers in my congregation cannot afford to sustain me,” George told them as he explained his financial difficulties.
“They come to church sometimes in hope that I can help them. I would like to eventually earn something extra so that I can help them and their families too. I hope that one day when these goats have multiplied, I will be able to give goats to the poor families in my congregation.”
With compassion for George and his ministry, the leaders at NCEASL decided to gift him two goats to help him start a business.
As a result of this investment, George has been able to start a profitable goat business. He is able to support his family and his mother and continues to pursue the goal of supporting other families in his congregation, too.
“I am extremely grateful for NCEASL’s assistance,” exclaims George. “I have been praying for everyone at NCEASL in gratitude for their willingness to help me.”
God has given each member of our global network a unique calling. Our role at Partners Worldwide is to honor that calling and provide them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to live it out.
Whether they are inherently passionate about business, or pursuing it as a means of funding their ministry, the Partners Worldwide network is there to walk alongside them.