How Partnership Saved Diana’s Struggling Business
Two years ago, Diana achieved her life-long dream of entrepreneurship by opening Metro Pharma, a pharmacy in Léogâne, Haiti.
However, last year, she almost lost it all when she had an accident that left her and her business struggling.
Luckily, that same year, Diana met Olmy—the leader of BEL, our local partner in Léogâne. BEL connected Diana to Partners Worldwide volunteers who began providing her with mentoring and coaching. Additionally, through this local network, Diana has been able to gain new customers and friends who support her business.

As a result of this support, Diana shares that:
The situation of my business has improved. I am now able to manage it better, especially in terms of setting boundaries and limits. I have developed better sourcing strategies, which makes the company more profitable today.
Today, Diana gives back by passing on what she has learned to other new entrepreneurs.
As Diana has grown professionally, she has grown in other ways, too: “I have grown a lot spiritually," she remarks. "And I have learned to relate my spiritual faith to my business.”
Diana is one of 477 business owners served by our local network in Haiti last year. Her story represents the power of partnership, as well as the perseverance and missional mindset of the entrepreneurs in our global network.