A God-Sized Vision for Indonesia
Feed the congregation. Feed the city.
The work of Partners Worldwide in Indonesia began in 2019 and despite a very challenging 2020, we have seen our operation in this country grow under the leadership of our Partnership Manager, Jimmy Atmadjaja. Jimmy along with Stephen, our contracted in-country Trainer, are trailblazing innovative solutions in creating partnerships and building connections during this pandemic.
In February 2021, Jimmy, along with the leaders of our LCI GBI Sawangan – DMR9, visited the 12-hectare farm outside the city of Jakarta. The farm is managed by Pastor Wiryohadi, and was birthed from a vision God laid in his heart: feed his congregation. In obedience, Pastor Wiryo started with a small farm land that was entrusted to him by one of the members of the church. Faithful to the vision God gave him, he toiled and was able to provide the harvest of the farm to the members of the church. Then, God gave him a bigger vision: feed the city! God impressed this vision through the verse Jeremiah 29:7 which reads: Seek peace and well-being for the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace (well-being) you will have peace.’
At first, Pastor Wiryo was unsure how he could fulfill that God-sized vision. He knew the reality of feeding the city through traditional farming would take years to be realized. Despite that, it didn’t stop him from obeying the Lord and taking a step of faith. He researched online and studied hydroponic farming and started with one greenhouse. As he learned and his confidence grew, he started to add more greenhouses. By the time the worse of the pandemic hit their country, he was already feeding the city!
Through the small act of faithfulness of Pastor Wiryo, the Lord has expanded his territory and he now not only manages greenhouses but is also growing the farm to include cows, goats, and 220 pools of fish. With these, he is able to provide food for more than 300 families, jobs for over 150 people, and reselling business to 100 people. The farm is called House of Bread which takes its inspiration from Jesus’ birthplace, Bethlehem – Beth (House) and Lehem (Bread).
Because the farm is able to produce an abundant harvest, Pastor Wiryo provided a small freezer to households and made them resellers of the products from the farm. Not only was he able to provide food, he was also able to provide them an alternate source of income!
Pastor Wiryo’s story of faithful obedience is truly amazing. God’s word in Matthew 25:21 echoes through his small act of obedience – 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'.
As Partners Worldwide journeys with Pastor Wiryo and the whole of GBI -DMR9 Farm, we are excited to see how God will bless and use this partnership to impact more lives and pursue a world without poverty!