Faithful Partners. Faithful God!
Dear Friends and Partners,
What an incredible year of partnership 2023 was! This past year was a year filled with hope and love, a year of an increasing number of people answering the call to redemptive business. Amen!
If you haven’t seen it already, we invite you to read the 2023 Annual Report. None of this would be possible without the amazing members of our global network. Your posture for service and dedication to our mission inspires us every day and is making a difference in so many lives around the world.
In celebration of all that we have accomplished together, we asked members of our global network to reflect on this past year and the things that are yet to come. I hope their messages uplift and inspire you.
~Bob Vryhof
We could not have imagined that a chance encounter with Partners Worldwide over two decades ago could lead to one of the most rewarding and meaningful partnerships. We firmly believe that God connected us to PW. From our years in formation and infancy, to now, as we are beginning to grow into the organization God has called us to be, PW has stood solidly with us, playing the supportive and nurturing role that we need so much.
May God keep blessing the entire PW team. As you continue to impact the world, we in the NCB promise to keep praying for you and ensuring that your labor of love is rewarded with our testimonies of how your work is transforming our lives.

Ladi Franklin
Executive Director, Network of Christians in Business (NCB), Trinidad and Tobago
When I passed the baton to Bob Vryhof 12 months ago, I said to the Global Team, “The greatest gift you can give me is to keep on growing Partners Worldwide!” Thank you for exceeding my expectations, as 2023 was our best year ever! Thank you also for your unbelievable encouragement and support in my first year of retirement. I have been so blessed by our continued friendship.
Thank you for your continued faithfulness as we enter 2024. Your work as redemptive business ambassadors of reconciliation has never been as important as it is today. You are shining lights in an especially dark world, you are lavishing love in a world of hate, you are sowing Shalom in a world of war, you are providing hope and meaning through productive work. May God bless you and keep you and shine His face upon you and give you peace.

Doug Seebeck
Founding Partner, CEO Emeritus, Partners Worldwide
We concluded a very successful year in 2023, achieving many goals, for which we give thanks to our Father, God. I encourage the global PW network to continue in 2024 with that tremendous work of support and dedication, building a better future for its beneficiaries. I am confident that it will have a positive impact on many families, including organizations like ours.
Concluimos un año 2023 muy exitoso, logramos muchas metas, por lo que damos gracias a nuestro padre Dios. Motivo a la RED global de PW, a seguir en este 2024, con esa enorme labor de apoyo y mucha dedicación construyendo un mejor futuro a sus beneficiarios, que estoy seguro impactará positivamente a muchas familias, de organizaciones como la nuestra.

Eduardo Acosta
Elevar: Olancho, Honduras
I have experienced the incredible growth of the PW ministry from Kenya to many countries in the world. Many lives continue to be transformed and restored for the glory of God. The passion and commitment of PW staff, board members and partners to achieve its mission is infectious. Indeed, Doug left behind a team that is focused and totally believes in the mission of transforming lives through business empowerment.
I recall l was supposed to retire from the global board after serving for six years, when Doug requested me to stay on an extra year so that, as a board, we could navigate his transition from PW and recruit a successor. This was a period of fasting and prayer for the Lord to direct us to the right person. With the results of 2023 showing tremendous growth of all parameters, this is a prayer answered. A prayer that, under the leadership of Bob Vryhof, the PW ministry will expand to many countries in the world and millions of people will be restored. 1 Corinthians 3:6 says, “Paul planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." I encourage the PW staff and its partners to continue watering the seed planted through God’s inspiration by Doug.
The expected slow growth of the global economy, increasing geopolitical tensions, and the worsening effects of climate change will continue to negatively impact businesses and people’s standards of living. These effects are more severe to low-income households. As PW, we are challenged to increase the scope of our work and develop innovative strategies for supporting businesses and local institutions during this challenging year. May the Lord bless you and energize you as we soldier together to restore people’s dignity through business empowerment.
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know!” (Jeremiah 33:3)

Professor Ruth Waweru
Chairperson, Partners Worldwide Kenya Board