Fish, Goats, and Faith: An Entrepreneur’s Story of Success

As the golden sun sank beneath the horizon, Sundaralingam gathered his gear and paddled his small canoe out into the river. The fish were out at night, which meant Sundaralingam was, too. He’d fish all night, three to four times a week, tiresome labor which earned him an average of $6 per day.
Sundaralingam lived with his wife and young daughter in Batticaloa, a commercial city of 590,000 on Sri Lanka’s eastern coast. At the best of times, his catch was just enough to sustain his family, but conditions were growing dire as Sri Lanka faced an economic crisis, which saw inflation peak at 70%.
Suddenly, what he earned from fishing wasn’t worth as much. It was harder and harder to afford nutritional food for his growing family, and to cover their most basic of expenses.

Sundaralingam’s Goat Farm
Determined to provide for his family, Sundaralingam looked for other options. One solution presented itself: goat rearing. Having raised goats in the past, Sundaralingam had the know-how, but he lacked the capital needed to get his project off the ground. It seemed like his plan was doomed before it even started.
Despite his challenges, Sundaralingam was persistent. And soon, that persistence paid off.
Sundaralingam connected with a local partner of Partners Worldwide, the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), who helped him make this dream a reality. Through NCEASL, Sundaralingam secured a loan for two female goats, two kids, and one male goat. Additionally, NCEASL helped him construct a kennel for his goats so that they could stay safe and healthy.
In the months and years to come, Sundaralingam hopes to further expand his herd so that he might meet the demand for mutton in Batticaloa and reap further income to sustain his family.
United by Faith
This is the power of partnership. When we come together, united by our faith and our calling, we can support entrepreneurs with everything they need, walking alongside them as they blaze a trail of hope for their families and communities.
Through partnership, Sundaralingam has a new source of income, one which will provide him with the stability to weather any storm.