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How Financial Freedom Unlocked Jennifer’s Business Dreams

A woman pours juice into a plastic bag.

Jennifer woke long before dawn. The clock read four as she slipped from the warmth of her bed to wake her children. As the city slept, Jennifer, her husband, and their children began their day, preparing three food carts—which sold chips, baked goods, water, juice, and more—for the morning rush.  

It was a routine they repeated every day: from dawn until dusk they labored in the busy downtown streets, determined to improve their living conditions. 

But their hard work was constricted by suffocating debt. In 2021, Jennifer had taken a loan for $1,500 with a predatory annual interest rate of 320%. Payments were equivalent to $1,000 per month, representing more than 50% of the family’s gross income.  

It seemed they were stuck in a spiral of payments with no way out.

Jennifer and cart

Joining the Partners Worldwide Network

Things changed when Jennifer connected with one of our local Central American partners.* She first met with the organization’s loan officer during his previous job at a microfinance institution. Back then, Jennifer was a regular client, always punctual with her payments and dedicated to her projects.  

Years later, God brought them together again.  

During a routine visit, the loan officer saw Jennifer on the street, and they decided to stop and chat. Jennifer told him that her business had grown, but now she was facing new challenges and needed financing to take it to the next level. Remembering her impeccable track record and tenacity, the loan officer saw a perfect opportunity to support her once again, this time through our local community partner.

Waving, Jennifer

Jennifer’s Access to Capital

Upon hearing her story, this partner consolidated Jennifer’s debt at a lower annual interest rate with no commissions or hidden costs.  

Now, Jennifer can breathe a sigh of relief. Instead of struggling with unattainable installments, she can face more realistic payments tailored to the reality of her business. This new installment not only allows her to stay afloat but also to reinvest in her business and expand her sales, thus paving the way for a more prosperous future for her and her family.  

This story perfectly illustrates why Partners Worldwide exists. Through partnership, we can bridge access gaps and connect entrepreneurs with the resources they need to thrive and live out their holy calling. 

*For security, the partner organization and country name have been omitted. 
