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How Jacinta Pursued Her Calling to Business

Jacinta has always felt called to business. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. But as she grew up, she gained two other titles instead: wife and mother.

Jacinta lives with her husband, Pastor Stephen, and their five children in Kuresoi—a small town in the agriculturally-productive highlands of Kenya.

Though Jacinta finds satisfaction as a wife and mother, she has never forgotten her dream of entrepreneurship.

As an adult now, she is even more aware of how entrepreneurship could transform her life. Faced with the challenges of a patriarchal society, Jacinta knows that owning a business would not only help her support her family, but would also improve her economic status and bring her greater respect.

So ten years ago, Jacinta took a leap of faith and started a timber business.

Kuresoi is rich in timber, and at the time, timber was a booming industry in Kenya due to increased construction. It seemed like a sure bet. However, Jacinta quickly realized she was in over her head. She even felt lost in the very first step of crafting a business plan.

After years of trying, Jacinta was finally forced to close her business. Despite this failure, she still felt deep within that business was her calling.

In 2017, she was affirmed in this calling for the first time by Makao Capital Limited, one of our key local partners in Kenya. Their goal is to transform communities facing poverty through providing innovative financial products and services.

Makao soon stepped in to Jacinta’s situation, and this was the beginning of her path to success.

Jacinta with her husband, Makao staff members, and a PW volunteer Business Affiliate.

She received mentoring, business training, and a loan in order to re-start her timber business. And just one year later, the impact of this support is evident.

Jacinta has not only restarted her business, but has grown it into a flourishing enterprise. She has been able to purchase two new machines and has created job opportunities for 21 young people in her community!

Jacinta’s business success has also strengthened her relationship with her family. She and her husband Stephen are mentoring one of their sons, who is a young pastor, and providing him with spiritual encouragement.

Jacinta is also mentoring another one of her sons, who recently started a lumber business in a nearby town. In the past few months alone, he has already hired seven employees!

However, Jacinta’s positive community impact extends far beyond her own family.

One way she gives back is by donating sawdust, a by-product of her timber business, to community members to use as cooking fuel. Dairy farmers also use the sawdust to create comfortable bedding for their cows. By receiving the sawdust for free, the farmer’s profitability increases.

Today, Jacinta feels incredibly blessed to be able to fulfill her calling to business.

Her business success has not only transformed her life economically and impacted her community, but has enriched her spiritually too. She is now able to financially support her church and help expand their ministry serving the elderly and children with disabilities.

Overcome with gratitude, Jacinta gives all the glory to God who used Makao and Partners Worldwide to uplift her economic status, equip her to fulfill her calling, and allow her to bless others through business.

This spring, we’re raising funds to expand our global impact. Will you give today? Your support allows us to serve entrepreneurs like Jacinta who are creating deseprately-needed-needed jobs in their communities. (Canadian donors, give here).
