Business Training
PW Training
and Coaching
Around the world, we are equipping participants with business mindsets that are vital for building sustainable businesses. We provide a business strategy tool for church planters, financial institutions, and networks of entrepreneurs.
Our methodology involves developing local leaders with business experience to train entrepreneurs in their communities. We have designed tools to certify them as high-level trainers and provide them ongoing support on how to facilitate the business training. We promote economic development initiatives in the communities surrounding the church plant. For these entrepreneurs to learn and maximize their strengths, they need you.
Our world class curricula are designed to support, empower, and train global entrepreneurs on business principles that have a solid biblical foundation.
Our curricula are designed to serve different audiences and contexts based on market-needs. All of our tools have been created by a global team of editors and writers with real-life business experience.

Available Curricula
Microenterprise Business Curriculum
Five sessions of training for start-ups or potential entrepreneurs with a business idea.
Small & Medium Business Curriculum
Twelve-fourteen sessions of business hard skills training for an audience with financial and business literacy.
Valued Based Curriculum
Microenterprise adapted version for locations or audiences where Christian language is restricted.
There is value in joining our training team.
You can help people live out of poverty by sharing your expertise and equip them with resources.

Tat Danjuma
My name is Tat Danjuma. I am the Managing Director of Light Micro-finance Bank Limited, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria The Micro-enterprise Curriculum of Partners Worldwide was a blessing to me. What stood out for me in the mindsets was, “Boundaries, let your business grow”. It gave me insight into how to go about supporting my family, friends, relatives,church and the community without hurting the business. The business is a going concern and it should be separated from the owner.

Esther Domyil
My name is Esther Domyil from Virtuous Women Credit and Loan Cooperative. During the workshop,
I got a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship as a calling. I have also learnt that business is solving customer’s problems. The customer’s problems are dynamic, so the entrepreneur must keep track in order to remain in business. For the first time, I have been exposed to the mindset of the entrepreneur. Business can never be successful unless the entrepreneur writes out his or her business strategy canvas.

Viktor Kuchili
My name is Viktor Kuchili, Chief Executive Officer of a Business Consultancy and training business The top three mindsets learned during the workshop are: 1. Entrepreneurship is a calling 2. Customers care about solving their problems 3. Sell it more than you can make it. The most interesting and life-transforming part of the training was the concept of building the person first before growing the business. I am going to work on my personal development before growing my business.
You can become
a Certified Trainer
or Training Partner.
The PW curriculum provides you with the skills and knowledge you need to help others build their business.
The PW Microenterprise training is a major step in integrating economic development initiatives into church planting initiatives.
We are empowering the church to be an agent of holistic transformation in their communities in 30+ countries worldwide.
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